The Impact of Treating Others The Way You Want To Be Treated

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By admin

Treating people the way you would want to be treated is a basic principal that can be applied to many aspects of life. It forms an important part of our day-to-day interactions, how we behave in relationships and friendships, even how organizations and governments interact with their citizens. This article will explore the impact treating others the way you wish to be treated has on both individuals and societies as a whole.

Understanding The Golden Rule

In order for us to understand why it’s important for us to treat others with respect and kindness, let’s look at what this concept actually means. Also known as “The Golden Rule” or “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” , it basically states that if one treats other people in a kind manner based off of what they personally find acceptable then those same values are likely going to come back around someday whether directly or indirectly.

In other words, offering kindness creates common ground between two parties which can help build trust while simultaneously ensuring that whatever treatment is given out by one party is likely coming back from another person eventually. So essentially not only does it make sense for us to be kind and respectful to others, it’s also psychologically beneficial since kindness is likely going to come back around in time.

The Impact On Relationships

When we apply the concept of treating people the way we would want them to treat us, it has a direct impact on how relationships are formed and maintained. From family members and friends, to coworkers and long distance acquaintances; these connections all depend heavily upon mutual respect if they are going to survive over time.

It doesn’t take much for an individual’s behavior towards another person can start having a negative effect so being compassionate should always be at the forefront of one’s mind when interacting with someone else no matter who they may be or what their current situation is like. This means that any type of insult or unkindness will not only hurt whoever is receiving it but could create tension between two parties as well which could potentially ruin any chances of creating a positive connection in future dealings.

The Impact On Society And Culture

Not only does treating other people kindly have an effect on our own personal relationships but this idea can also play a role in how different societies interact with one another both domestically as well abroad. For instance, while countries often need different resources from each other or have different cultures that can create tension between two parties, if both sides focus on treating each other with respect then it’s more likely that the negotiations between them will be successful.

This is because kindness creates a mutual understanding and openness which creates an overall better atmosphere to work in. It also encourages dialogue since people are more willing to talk when they feel like their opinion is being valued by someone else, leading to potentially effective resolutions in any given conflict situation.


In conclusion, treating others the way you want them to treat you has numerous positive impacts on individuals as well as societies worldwide. From creating stronger relationships with our family and friends or colleagues at work, all the way up to how countries interact with each other; this simple idea of kindness always plays an important role no matter what level it’s applied at. So next time we encounter someone who may hold opposing views or come from a completely different background than us let’s try our best remember that basic principal: Treat them as one would wish themselves treated back someday!

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